1.2 History Frames
5 Activities
4 Videos
2 Articles
1 Assessment
There is too much history in the world for anyone to know it all. So how do we study it without feeling like we’re missing something? This lesson introduces the frames through which we can view a single piece of history from multiple perspectives, learning different things each time. How we establish communities, what causes our networks to develop, and the ways in which production and distribution have shaped societies all require frames for us to see the big and small pictures. Before you draw conclusions, you will draw on your knowledge by literally drawing some pictures of the communities, networks, and production and distribution systems that exist in this big world.
Learning Objectives
- Examine how historians frame historical narratives through communities, networks, and production and distribution.
- Understand the historical thinking practice of contextualization, and how to apply this skill in historical thinking and analysis.
Contextualization – Introduction

Contextualization is a historical thinking skill that involves connecting historical events and processes to specific circumstances of time and place. Without understanding the circumstances that surround and build up to historical events, it’s difficult to make sense of them. In this first in the progression of activities on understanding context, you will begin to work with the idea of contextualization so you see how important it is for understanding the past.
Reading, claim testing, causation
To adequately make sense of the historical accounts you read, you need to understand the context in which events occurred and how the assertions about the events are supported through claim testing. In addition, when you categorize broad and narrow context, you will consider how these pieces of context led to the historical event being studied.
Do you know what the word context means? Work with your class to come up with a definition. Can you think of a time when you needed to have context to understand something that happened?
Take a look at the first photo in the activity.
Why is this person yelling? Share your ideas with your class.
Now, look at the second photo in the activity with more context.
Any additional ideas about why this person is yelling? Does having a fuller view of the picture give you more information? It may have helped you a little, but clearly, you need even more information.
This is actually a popular photograph from the 1900s. What else do you think you need to know to figure out what’s going on here? In other words, what categories of information might help you figure out what’s happening? Discuss your ideas with your class and ask your teacher as many questions as you want. Once you’ve gotten more information, your teacher will tell you the title of this picture and give you any additional information you might need to figure out why this person is yelling.
Do you think you would have been able to figure out why this person is yelling without all this extra information? The process you just went through is called contextualization, and it’s something historians do all the time. It’s also something we do in our everyday lives to help us properly interpret things that have happened instead of just jumping to conclusions.
Your teacher will break the class into small groups and hand out event cards. Work with your group members to divide the cards into two piles—one for broad context and the other for narrow context. Broad context represents broader themes, trends, events, eras, or regions that are related to the historical event you’re studying. Often, broad context helps us understand long-term causes of an event. Narrow context refers to the themes, trends, events, eras, and regions that are more closely tied in time or place to the historical event. Narrow context helps us see the short-term causes of an event.
Next, your teacher will ask a few groups to place their event cards on the board. Be prepared to explain why you chose to place your cards in a particular area of the funnel.
To help with historical contextualization in this course, we have a tool for you to use. Your teacher will either hand out or have you download the Contextualization – Introduction worksheet and ask you to review the Contextualization Tool with your class. You’ll be using this tool throughout the course to help you practice contextualizing, which will enable you to correctly interpret the historical events you’ll be studying.
Frame Concept Introduction
Vocab Terms:
- frame
- locate
- milestone
- pattern
- test
How can we organize the massive number of historical events and sources in a way that makes the past understandable and usable? Frames are a tool that historians use to sort through, group, and think about long-term historical trends. In this course, we use three frames—communities, networks, and production and distribution. In this video, Bob Bain explains how frames help us to connect events, people, and trends across eras and how we might use them to create stories that make the past meaningful.
Frame Concept Introduction (7:44)
Key Ideas
This video introduces the concept of the frame. You are going to be using the three frames a lot throughout this course. A frame is a filter that allows us to ask questions about the past and get usable answers. You will be given three frames in this course: communities, networks, and production and distribution. This video introduces these frames across world history, from the origins of the Universe to the present, and provides guidance for thinking about and using those frames to examine history.
Preview – Skimming for Gist
Before you watch the video, open and skim the transcript. Additionally, you should always read the questions below before you watch the video (a good habit to use in reading, too!). These pre-viewing strategies will help you know what to look and listen for as you watch the video. If there is time, your teacher may have you watch the video one time without stopping, and then give you time to watch again to pause and find the answers.
Key Ideas – Understanding Content
Think about the following questions as you watch this video:
- What is a frame, and how is it like a map?
- Why are frames useful?
- What are the three frames we use in this course?
- Why is it useful to have more than one frame?
- You are going to be given frame stories in this part of the course. Later, you will be asked to “test their claims”. What does this mean?
Evaluating and Corroborating
- Are the three frames introduced in this video the only frames one could use to interpret the past and make it usable? What might some other frames be?
- Think about the story of how you got to school today. How might this story change when you filter it through one of the three frames for this course?
Communities Frame Introduction
Vocab Terms:
- belief system
- community
- empire
- frame
- globalization
- shape
All humans live in communities. Communities help define who we are. They provide us with support, protection, and a sense of shared identity. Examples of communities include families, neighborhoods, states, religions, and even online forums. Human communities have generally grown, and frequently changed, over time. Many new forms of communities have emerged in the last 800 years. By exploring the history of communities, this video reveals the role community plays in the present, and the possibilities for building and strengthening the communities of the future.
Communities Frame Introduction (6:55)
Key Ideas
This video familiarizes you with the first frame: the communities frame. It introduces the concept of community, and the many varieties of community in world history. It also presents a history of how communities have evolved over the period covered in this course (c. 1200 – present). As you watch, remember to think about how communities changed as they moved from local to global, and how they remained the same. The communities frame is an incomplete story, and you will evaluate it using evidence throughout the course.
Preview – Skimming for Gist
Before you watch the video, open and skim the transcript. Additionally, you should always read the questions below before you watch the video (a good habit to use in reading, too!). These pre-viewing strategies will help you know what to look and listen for as you watch the video. If there is time, your teacher may have you watch the video one time without stopping, and then give you time to watch again to pause and find the answers.
Key Ideas – Understanding Content
Think about the following questions as you watch this video:
- How does the quote, from Helen Keller, relate to the idea of “communities”?
- What did human communities generally look like in 1200?
- According to the video, what are some different types of human communities that have emerged during the period covered by this course (c. 1200-Present)?
- According to this video, has globalization made us all members of a single community, and made all smaller communities irrelevant? Why or why not?
Evaluating and Corroborating
- Make a list of all the communities of which you are a part.
- The nation-state communities of our present time are very different from the communities of locally based kingdoms, chiefdoms, tribes, and empires. Or are they? What kinds of evidence would you need to test the claims made in this video about how communities changed over time?
Networks Frame Introduction
Vocab Terms:
- agrarian
- concept
- isolation
- network
- village
In the last 800 years, humans have lived in incredibly diverse communities. There is much that distinguishes us from each other. But we also share ideas, goods, people, and diseases across communities. The systems through which this sharing happens are called networks. Networks are ways in which interaction is organized, but they are not unchanging. In general, humans have built larger and larger networks over time, leading up to the global exchange of ideas that has emerged in the period covered in this course. But very small networks, often within this bigger pattern, are still important today.
Networks Frame Introduction (6:09)
Key Ideas
This video introduces the networks frame. It presents an overview of how human networks have changed over time on a global scale. This video will help prepare you to use the networks frame to create stories about the world before and after 1200. These frame stories will help you think about the significance of networks for our societies today, and in preparing us for the future. However, the networks frame is an incomplete story, and you will evaluate it using evidence throughout the course.
Preview – Skimming for Gist
Before you watch the video, open and skim the transcript. Additionally, you should always read the questions below before you watch the video (a good habit to use in reading, too!). These pre-viewing strategies will help you know what to look and listen for as you watch the video. If there is time, your teacher may have you watch the video one time without stopping, and then give you time to watch again to pause and find the answers.
Key Ideas – Understanding Content
Think about the following questions as you watch this video:
- The video begins with a philosophical statement common to the Zulu people of southern Africa. What idea does this statement express?
- How did networks expand during the period from 1200-1450?
- What transformations in networks have occurred in the period from 1450-1750?
- In the past two hundred years, in the period from 1750-1914, how have new technologies helped develop networks that spread ideas rapidly?
- According to the video, what are some of the unexpected consequences of growing interconnection?
- The video ends with several questions. What problems does it suggest people might have within the new sorts of networks?
Evaluating and Corroborating
- The networks frame and the communities frame overlap somewhat, but they are also different. How would you explain the difference between a network and a community?
- Think about the sorts of networks that affect your life. How large are they? In what kinds of networks do you have the most influence?
Production and Distribution Frame
Vocab Terms:
- distribution
- domesticate
- fossil fuel
- hunter-gatherer
- production
- specialize
We already know that humans live in communities and share things and ideas across networks. The production and distribution frame helps us understand human history by examining how we make things and share, sell, or trade them within our communities and across networks of interaction. Humans have become increasingly sophisticated in the ways we produce goods and tools, and how we distribute them. As our world has globalized, this increasing sophistication has caused many problems that we deal with today. Exploring these changes and the challenges they have created can orient us to the present and help prepare us for the future.
Production and Distribution Frame Introduction (6:03)
Key Ideas
This video introduces the production and distribution frame. It also presents a history of production and distribution over time, on a global scale. This history will help you place the trends in this course within a longer history of change in how we make and distribute things. It will also help you think about the significance of production and distribution for our own societies, and in preparing us for the future. However, it is an incomplete story, and you will evaluate it using evidence throughout the course.
Preview – Skimming for Gist
Before you watch the video, open and skim the transcript. Additionally, you should always read the questions below before you watch the video (a good habit to use in reading, too!). These pre-viewing strategies will help you know what to look and listen for as you watch the video. If there is time, your teacher may have you watch the video one time without stopping, and then give you time to watch again to pause and find the answers.
Key Ideas – Understanding Content
Think about the following questions as you watch this video:
- The video starts with a saying we believe emerged from Chinese society several hundred years ago. What does this saying suggest about some values common to that society in that period?
- How did systems of production and distribution expand during the period from 1200-1450?
- What transformations in production and distribution have occurred in the period from 1450-1750?
- How did the use of fossil fuels transform systems of production and distribution?
- How did empires help drive the new global industrial system?
- According to this video, how have our systems of production and distribution changed over the last hundred years?
Evaluating and Corroborating
- Look around you. Of the things you see, how many of them were made by humans? Now, just think about the things you’re touching—your clothes and personal items. How many of them do you know how to make? Do you know where they were made or where the raw materials needed to produce them came from?
- Knowing what you know about the world we live in today, what do you think are some answers to the questions posed at the end of the video? For example, are we better or worse off than our ancestors who produced their own food? Can we say we’ve made progress? What was the cost of all this innovation in production and distribution?
Draw the Frames

Working with frames allows you to understand how and why people lived the way they did throughout history. They help you recognize how communities, such as societies and nations; networks, such as those for trade and exchange; and the production and distribution of goods impacted, and still impact, people in different parts of the world. Viewing history through frames gives us a usable knowledge of history that allows us to make sense of the world today and think critically about the future. The process of depicting frames by drawing them makes the information more memorable as you mix language with imagery.
First, take out a piece of paper and use about one-third of the paper to draw a picture of a community. You can choose any community you want—it could be your own, or it could be a community you learned about in other social studies courses, such as an Indigenous American village; the city-state of ancient Athens; Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus River Valley; Memphis in Ancient Egypt; the pre-Columbian city of Teotihuacan; colonial Boston; or a Maori village in New Zealand. Your picture should include the following elements:
- people
- at least one place where people live
- at least one place where people work
- at least one place where people spend leisure time
You’ll only have about 5 minutes to draw this picture. Don’t worry—it doesn’t have to be great, and you can use stick figures as needed.
Once you’re done drawing the community, think about something that your community produces. Add this to your picture by drawing a representation of the thing being produced.
Next, think about where the thing your community produces is distributed. Add these places to the picture.
Now, look for networks in the picture and add lines and arrows to show the networks.
Be prepared to share your drawings and explanations of each of the frames. Then, you’ll get into groups of 2 to 3 and your teacher will assign one-third of the class to communities, one-third to P&D, and the final third to networks. In groups, complete the following statements to define and explain your assigned frame in your own words:
- A community [or P&D, or network] is….
- This is an important frame because…
Once all groups have completed the statements, you’ll get together with the other groups that worked on the same frame and come to an agreement on one definition and explanation regarding why the frame is important. Then, nominate one person to report out to the class. Once everyone is done, your teacher will display these class definitions and explanations so that you can refer to them throughout the class.
Three Close Reads for Graphic Bios – Introduction

This activity introduces you to the WHP Three Close Reads for Graphic Bios Tool. This tool will show you a method for reading graphic biographies. Graphic biographies might look simple at first—after all, they have pictures!—but there’s a lot going on in these one-page comics. WHP graphic biographies provide you with new evidence at the scale of an individual life. You can use this evidence to support, extend, and challenge the course narratives. In this activity, you will learn how to read graphic biographies at three different levels: observe, understand, and connect. You will also learn how to use the Three Close Reads tool as a graphic organizer as you respond to the comics and become co-creators of them!
Graphic biographies use the visual tools of comics—images, fonts, boundaries, sequentially ordered panels, and gutters (the space between panels)—to tell a historical narrative. The graphic biographies in this course are collaborations between a trained historian and artist, and they should be read as secondary sources. But you also need to learn to interpret the layers of meaning in the art.
Begin by getting out your Three Close Reads for Graphic Biographies tool and opening the Three Close Reads for Graphic Bios – Introduction. You are going to read a comic about a woman named Ottilie Baader. You don’t need to know any history or have any experience reading comics. You will be guided through this first graphic biography. As you read along, you should practice filling out the tool. Feel free to record your responses in words or have fun and respond with art of your own. After all, the tool is designed to look like a blank comic book!
As an optional extension, your teacher may have you complete a three close reads of the “History and Memory – Graphic Biography” where you will consider the meaning of history and memory through one family’s story.
Closing – UP Notebook

Make sure you have the UP Notebook worksheets that you partially filled out earlier in the unit.
This is a continuation of the UP Notebook activity that you started in this unit. As part of WHP, you are asked to revisit the Unit Problems in order to maintain a connection to the core themes of the course. Because this is the second time you’re working with this unit’s problems, you are asked to explain how your understanding of the unit’s core concepts has changed over the unit. Make sure you use evidence from this unit and sound reasoning in your answers.
Fill out the second table on your partially completed worksheet from earlier in the unit. Be prepared to talk about your ideas with your class.

DBQ Prompt: Evaluate the extent to which globalization since the Second World War has benefitted everyone.
DBQ 0 is the baseline writing assessment for the course. Your teacher will use it to provide you with an understanding of your ability to use a range of texts to construct an evidence-based, well-structured explanation or argument. Although you should do the best you can, don’t worry about your score on this assignment. You will retake this same DBQ later in the course, which will give you an opportunity to see your growth.
You’re going to use today’s class period to take the baseline assessment for the course. Your teacher may score your essay, but this won’t be a grade that “counts”—it’s just to give you an idea of where you are in your writing right now. However, it’s really important to take this essay seriously for a few reasons. First, it will help your teacher decide what to focus on teaching this year in order to help you become a better writer. Second, since it’s early in the course and you’ll be working on writing a lot, at the end of the year you’ll most likely see a big improvement in your scores, which is always satisfying. Chances are you won’t get a very high score on this first essay and that’s OK—it’s really challenging!
Take out the DBQ and follow the directions. You also might want to look through the WHP Writing Rubric so you have a clear sense of the goals you are trying to meet.