Our Free Online History Courses
Standards-aligned social studies courses that connect the past to the present with an eye to the future. Infinitely adaptable. Ideal for middle-school and high-school students. Free, open, and online. For everyone.
Activities 284
Articles 164
Videos 154
Closer 41
Opener 35
Assignments 40
Big History Project
A course that asks big questions about our Universe, our planet, life, and humanity.
- Covers Big Bang to the present
- Adapts for grades 6–10
- More than 50 lesson plans across 10 units
- 62 videos, 117 texts, 40 activities
Articles 280
Activities 217
Videos 111
Assignments 39
WHP Origins to the Present
A world history course covering early humans through today.
- Designed for high school students
- Aligned to world history state standards (U.S.)
- Videos, articles, activities, and more
Articles 260
Activities 215
Videos 89
Assignments 40
WHP 1200 to the Present
A world history course designed to cover the period just before the Columbian Exchange through today.
- Aligned to the vast majority of world-history state standards
- Designed for high school
- More than 30 lesson plans across 9 units
- 64 videos, 185 texts, 185 activities
Articles 195
Activities 215
Videos 90
Assignments 37
WHP 1750 to the Present
A world history course designed to cover the Industrial Revolution through today.
- Aligned to the vast majority of world-history state standards
- Designed for high school
- More than 30 lesson plans across 9 units
- 76 videos, 180 texts, 183 activities
Articles 239
Activities 226
Videos 64
World History Project AP®
Designed for AP® World History: Modern students.
- Aligned to the AP® World History: Modern CED
- More than 50 lesson plans across 10 units
- 53 videos, 233 texts, 228 activities
Activities 36
Articles 24
Opener 21
Closer 21
Videos 15
Climate Project
A new take on climate education, developing critical thinkers and impatient optimists.
- 21 lessons across 5 units
- Flexible materials for easy modification
- Designed for grades 6-12
- 13 videos, 15 texts, 29 activities