Arms Race, Space Race

The effects could well be called unprecedented, magnificent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying. No man-made phenomenon of such tremendous power had ever occurred. . .
- General Thomas F. Farrell, describing the first nuclear test at Alamogordo, New Mexico, 1945
Doomsday devices
Until 1949, the United States controlled all nuclear weapons. President Harry Truman remains the only world leader to use nuclear weapons in war. In 1949, the Soviet Union tested a nuclear weapon. The USSR and U.S. shifted from World War allies to Cold War enemies. At the same time, an arms race launched to develop the most and best nuclear weapons.
The nuclear arms race accelerated. The bombs the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki leveled cities and killed tens of thousands of civilians. The U.S. and Soviet Union developed new hydrogen bombs. They were many times more powerful than those used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Soon, the countries were pointing tens of thousands of nuclear warheads at each other. Collectively, they could end all human life.
A MAD race to Armageddon
Germany surrendered in World War II and leaders of the allied nations met. President Truman told Stalin that his government had a secret new weapon.1
Soon, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki demonstrated this destructive power. Truman did not consult his Soviet allies before dropping the bombs. Stalin assumed the Americans wanted to intimidate the USSR. He believed that the Soviet Union needed nuclear weapons.
The arms race shaped the Cold War. The rivals focused on overproducing nuclear weapons in a strategy called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). MAD is just as crazy as it sounds. The theory was, if two countries each possessed the ability to obliterate the other, neither would risk an attack. It prevented direct conflict between the two superpowers. Yet it also created the possibility of total global destruction.
Did MAD work? Maybe. Nuclear weapons made total war on the scale of World War II unthinkable and unwinnable. Yet the MAD strategy left no room for mistakes, and in 1962 the world came very close to a big one.
Cuban Missile Crisis and non-proliferation
For 13 days in October 1962, the world was on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was only 90 miles from Florida. President Kennedy threatened invasion. During the standoff, nuclear war was barely averted. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev chose not to respond to provocations from the other side. The crisis ended in compromise. Khrushchev removed the missiles from Cuba, and Kennedy agreed to not invade Cuba.
The crisis alerted the world to the danger of the arms race. In 1963, the American, Soviet, and British governments agreed to end atmospheric tests. In 1968, the nuclear powers signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). NPT sought to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to new countries.
These agreements failed to totally contain the spread of nuclear weapons. Many other countries developed nuclear weapons. Today, nations like Iran and North Korea say they have a right to do so as well.
A race to the stars
The arms race helped launch the space race. If you can send rockets with satellites, you can send rockets with warheads. In 1957, the Soviets sent the first satellite into space. The U.S. responded by creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The U.S. launched their own satellite in 1958. The Soviets continued to demonstrate their advantage by launching the first animal (a dog in 1957), the first man (1961), and the first woman (1963) into space.
The Soviet dominance in the early years of the space race created the perception that there was a “missile gap” between the US and USSR. However, no such gap existed. In 1961, President Kennedy promised to send a man to the moon before the end of the 1960s. The space race became a matter of national pride and security. The government directed unprecedented resources at making his promise a reality. In 1969, three American astronauts landed on the moon.
Racing against ourselves
The space race began as a part of the arms race. Yet the race to explore the stars demonstrated the heights that humanity could achieve.
In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager spacecraft.2 Voyager carries two golden records. These records are humanity’s message to the stars. The records hold greetings in 55 languages—including Russian. The records are etched with the words “to the makers of music—all worlds, all times.”
During the Cold War, space exploration offered the hope for a better future. We started this article with a quote describing the terrifying destructive capacity of the first nuclear weapon. Let’s conclude with President Jimmy Carter’s note to extraterrestrials on the Voyager records. Carter didn’t seek alien support against the Soviet Union. He spoke of our common humanity:
“This Voyager spacecraft was constructed by the United States of America. We are a community of 240 million human beings among the more than 4 billion who inhabit the planet Earth. We human beings are still divided into nation states, but these states are rapidly becoming a single global civilization… We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours.”
1 Stalin knew about the Americans’ nuclear weapons program before Truman. Soviet spies funneled information to the Kremlin while Truman was a U.S. senator and unaware of the project. Truman did not become vice president until the 1944 election. He then became president when Roosevelt died in April of 1945.
2 In 2012, Voyager became the first man-made craft to leave our solar system.
Art, Robert J. and Kenneth N. Waltz. The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics. 7th ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2009).
Carter, Jimmy. “Voyager Spacecraft Statement by the President.” July 29, 1977. voyager-spacecraft-statement-the-president
Craig, Campbell. “The Nuclear Revolution: A Product of the Cold War, Or Something More?” In The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War, Vol. 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Gaddis, John Lewis. The Cold War: A New History. (New York: Penguin Press, 2005).
Goedde, Petra. The Politics of Peace: A Global Cold War History. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019).
Koman, Rita G. “Man on the Moon: The U.S. Space Program as a Cold War Maneuver.” OAH Magazine of History 8, no. 2 (1994): 42-50.
Mahnken, Thomas G., Joseph Maiolo, and David Stevenson. Arms Races in International Politics: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “The Golden Record.”
Bennett Sherry
Bennett Sherry holds a PhD in history from the University of Pittsburgh and has undergraduate teaching experience in world history, human rights, and the Middle East at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Maine at Augusta. Additionally, he is a research associate at Pitt’s World History Center. Bennett writes about refugees and international organizations in the twentieth century.
Image credits
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 except for the following:
Cover image: Soviets in Space poster, 1963. ‘Long live the world’s first female cosmonaut’, a Soviet poster (in Czech) celebrating Valentina Tereshkova who orbited the Earth in Vostok 6, in June 1963. © Universal History Archive/UIG/Getty Images.
The first nuclear weapons test, at Alamogordo, New Mexico in 1945. © Getty Images.
The “Big Three”—Churchill, Truman, and Stalin—at the Potsdam Conference in 1945. Two of these men were world-famous leaders who guided their nations through the Second World War. One had become president when Franklin D. Roosevelt died four months earlier. US National Archives.
American spy planes took several photos like these, which showed Soviet missile installations in Cuba. © Hulton Archive/ Getty Images.
A map and chart from Our World in Data. The map shows the location of all known nuclear explosions and the country responsible since 1945. The chart shows the number of nuclear warheads controlled by each nuclear power. Notice the decline in warheads after the end of the Cold War. By Our World in Data. Top: Bottom: powers?time=earliest..latest
Laika, the first dog in space, in the Sputnik 2 capsule. © Sovfoto/Universal Images Group via Getty Images.
The Voyager records. The records were manufactured for durability. The cover (left) provides instructions for decoding the information contained on the records. NASA.

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