Climate Disagreement
Driving Question: Why can it be so difficult to agree when it comes to climate change?
If the scientific community agrees that climate change is real, why is there so much disagreement among the public around this topic? In this lesson, you’ll explore the reasons there’s still debate around climate change and explore the tools you’ll use to help determine for yourself what to believe.
- Analyze why disagreement and misinformation about climate change exists.
- Identify what makes a source of information credible.
- Using claim-testing and digital-literacy skills, critically evaluate common climate change claims.
Guiding Questions
Key Ideas
- What does the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) state about the evidence for climate change? Do scientists agree with the organization’s stance?
- How do political factors contribute to the disagreement over climate change domestically and internationally?
- What is one economic challenge to tackling climate change?
- What’s one way that how people think impacts climate disagreement?
- What is the role of misinformation in climate disagreement?
- How do the difficulties of addressing climate change impact our beliefs about it?