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International Climate Goals

Teacher Resources

Driving Question: How should we set goals around climate change?

Since the 1970s, international organizations have worked to establish climate goals, which is an important task if we’re going to effectively combat climate change. But getting the world’s policymakers to adhere to these goals has been challenging. In this lesson, you’ll learn about some of these international climate policies and what we must do to achieve success in the fight against climate change.

  1. Explore climate policies to evaluate the advantages and limitations of goal setting and the need for international collaboration.
  2. Describe and assess the efficacy of goals including “net zero” and “1.5° Celsius” in combating climate change.
  3. Using research and argumentation skills, evaluate information related to climate goals to assess the reliability of sources.
Climate Policy Quote Analysis


Climate Policy Quote Analysis

How do policymakers use climate data to inform their work? This activity will help you understand how climate science and climate policy intersect and prepare you to dive into this lesson’s content.

Who Caused Climate Change?


Who Caused Climate Change?

All countries agree that we need to reduce carbon emissions. But no one agrees which countries should bear the most burden, which makes it difficult to act on international climate goals.


International Climate Agreements: Crash Course Climate & Energy #10

Climate change is being addressed by individuals, activist groups, and big corporations, but we’ll need entire nations on board to meet our climate goals. This video looks at some successful—and not-so-successful—international climate policies.

Key Ideas

As this video progresses, key ideas will be introduced to invoke discussion.
Understanding 1.5° Celsius


Understanding 1.5° Celsius

What’s the big deal about 1.5 degrees? This article explains the importance of that number along with the international policies that are tied to this goal. You’ll also learn about how we can set climate targets to inspire action into the future.


Claim testing is an important skill for you to master, especially in an age of misinformation and disinformation. The activity and Crash Course video below will help you practice this important skill.

Claim Testing: Evaluating Online Sources


Claim Testing: Evaluating Online Sources

This activity will help prepare you to assess online information and disinformation about climate change and other topics you may encounter.

Check Yourself with Lateral Reading: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information

In this video, how to read laterally, using multiple tabs in your browser to look stuff up and fact check as you read. Real-time fact-checking an help you figure out what's real and what's not on the internet.

Climate Targets


Climate Targets

International climate targets are important, but is it time to reevaluate our goals? Use your knowledge from this lesson to revisit the statement from the opener activity to demonstrate how your thinking has evolved.

DBQ – Introduction to Climate Change (Unit 1)


DBQ – Introduction to Climate Change (Unit 1)

This writing assessment is an opportunity for you to showcase your critical thinking, analysis, and argumentation skills by analyzing documents in response to a specific prompt.