How Did Earth and the Solar System Form? (12:05)
Key Ideas
As this video progresses, key ideas will be introduced to invoke discussion.
Key Ideas
Think about the following questions as you watch the video
- 01:34 In the last unit, you learned that about 98 percent of the Universe is hydrogen and helium, and that about 2 percent was everything else. What percentage of the Earth is made up of these other elements?
- 10:15 What is an exoplanet?
- 11:32 What makes planets more complex than stars?
- 02:30 How did all these elements get concentrated in planets like the Earth?
- 03:00 Can we predict the qualities of a molecule from the atoms that make it up?
- 03:47 Are the bonds between the atoms in molecules the same?
- 04:50 Are there molecules in space?
- 06:25 What is a protoplanetary disk?
- 07:43 Why are the planets closest to our Sun different from the planets further away?
- 08:36 What is accretion?
- 09:03 What’s the likely way the Moon was formed?