Origins of Transoceanic Connections
Driving Question: How did the expansion of empires change economic systems?
There is no doubt that increasing transoceanic connections had a massive impact on the lives of people around the world. These connections had some largely positive effects, such as the spread of information that led to many technological innovations—but these connections also had some extreme consequences. In this lesson, we will look at the origins of transoceanic connections and their impact on networks, communities, and production and distribution, as well as consider the impact of new regional and global connections on economic systems. You will think about how the expansion of networks impacted people and societies around the world and consider whether the effects of these connections were, overall, positive or negative.
- Describe how the exchange of innovations and technology allowed for states to expand and establish new transoceanic interconnections.
- Understand the emergence of new economic systems and their impact on the labor systems and empires.
- Use graphic biographies as microhistories to support, extend, or challenge the overarching narratives from this time period.
Guiding Questions
Note: For more detailed directions on completing the three close reads below, refer to the Three Close Reads – Introduction activity.
Before you read, you should quickly skim the article, by looking at the headings of each section and the charts. Read the questions below as well, so you know what to look for when you read!
Key Ideas
- What does the author say was the biggest motivation behind the Europeans’ voyages of exploration?
- Why were the small islands off the coast of West Africa important to European expansion?
- The author argues that the European voyages were based off of ideas and technology gained through trade. What are some examples?
- These voyages were costly and dangerous. Why did explorers, merchants, and rulers accept the risks?
- What advantages did joint stock companies provide?
- Economic systems both shaped and were shaped by European voyages of exploration. Can you think of one economic cause that led to these voyages? Additionally, what is one effect these voyages had on economic systems?
Guiding Questions
Note: For more detailed directions on completing the three close reads below, refer to the Three Close Reads – Introduction activity.
Before you read, you should quickly skim the article, by looking at the headings of each section and the charts. Read the questions below as well, so you know what to look for when you read!
Key Ideas
- In what ways was the European use of credit in this period a continuation of older practices? In what ways was it a change?
- What was the impact of Fibonacci’s book?
- Why was a bill of exchange useful?
- What financial innovation did the British East India Company and Dutch East India Company rely on?
- What was the economic role of colonies for Europeans in this era?
- Was the development of the system of capitalism, an example of innovation (invention), or diffusion (the spread of ideas), or both? What evidence supports your response?
Guiding Questions
Note: For more detailed directions on completing the three close reads below, refer to the Three Close Reads – Introduction activity.
Before you read, you should quickly skim the article, by looking at the headings of each section and the charts. Read the questions below as well, so you know what to look for when you read!
Key Ideas
- Which empires are referred to as “gunpowder empires” and why are they called this?
- How did gunpowder help emperors rule their territory?
- How were the Mongols important to these new empires?
- How did these empires use religion to govern?
- How did gunpowder technology change political dynamics in Europe?
- Do you think gunpowder empires is a good name for these empires? Why or why not? Can you think up a better name?
Guiding Questions
Note: For more detailed directions on completing the three close reads below, refer to the Three Close Reads – Introduction activity.
Before you read, you should quickly skim the article, by looking at the headings of each section and the charts. Read the questions below as well, so you know what to look for when you read!
Key Ideas
- What was the immediate impact of Europeans arriving in the Indian Ocean?
- How did the rulers of Indian Ocean states view the arrival of the Portuguese?
- Why does the article refer to it as the “cosmopolitan” Indian Ocean?
- Why were diaspora communities important to the Indian Ocean world?
- What evidence does the author provide to argue that the Atlantic slave trade may have helped to stimulate industrialization and capitalism?
- This article focuses on how the Indian Ocean system gradually changed after new connections were made with Europe. How do you think Europe changed because of these new connections? What evidence does this article provide, and what further evidence would you need to answer this question?
Guiding Questions
Note: For more detailed directions on completing the three close reads below, refer to the Three Close Reads for Graphic Bios – Introduction activity.
Skim the full comic, paying attention to things like prominent colors, shapes, and types of text and fonts. How do you know where to start and which direction to read? What’s in the gutters (the space between panels)? Who is the focus of the comic? What big questions do you have?
- Where was Yasuke likely from and how did he get to Japan?
- What was Yasuke’s relationship with Oda Nobunaga?
- What happened to Yasuke after Oda Nobunaga was killed?
- What else do we know about Yasuke?
- How does the artist’s depiction of Yasuke change across the page?
- How does this biography of Yasuke support, extend, or challenge what you have learned about oceanic connections and networks in this period?
The Omani Empire
Key Ideas
Guiding Questions
Before you watch
Before you watch the video, it’s a good idea to open and skim the video transcript. And always read the questions below so you know what to look and listen for as you watch!
While you watch
- What makes the Omani Empire different from other Islamic empires?
- What areas did the Omani Empire cover at its peak?
- How did the Omani Empire come to be an empire?
- What are two key differences between the Omani Empire and most other empires?
- How did the Omani Empire change East Africa in the long term?
- What lasting impact did the Omani Empire have on Oman today?
- According to Kamala Russell, what makes the Omani Empire interesting from the perspective of global history?
After you watch
- Do you think the Omani Empire was actually an empire? Why or why not?