Climate Project
Teacher Resources
Climate Project Overview
At-a-glance snapshot of the course plan and materials.
Course Pathways
Sample pathways to easily integrate Climate Project into your schedule.
Climate Project FAQ
Quick answers to the most common questions about the course.
Climate Project Teacher Community
Connect with other teachers in the OER Project Online Teacher Community.
Course Glossary
Key vocabulary words to guide instruction and understanding.
Climate Project Standards Alignment
Research-backed strategies for differentiation, modification, and adaptation.
Grounded in the belief that it’s essential to discover and explore climate change for yourself, Climate Project helps you more fully understand the causes, impacts, and most powerful ways to address it. Move past the fear, bias, and uncertainty surrounding climate change and join a generation of impatient optimists. Discover the skills, motivation, and insight to make a difference.
Unit 1 • 4 Lessons
Unit 2 • 3 Lessons
Unit 3 • 5 Lessons
Unit 4 • 5 Lessons
Unit 5 • 4 Lessons
Teaching This Course
Climate Project Overview
At-a-glance snapshot of the course plan and materials.
Course Pathways
Sample pathways to easily integrate Climate Project into your schedule.
Climate Project FAQ
Quick answers to the most common questions about the course.
Climate Project Teacher Community
Connect with other teachers in the OER Project Online Teacher Community.
Course Glossary
Key vocabulary words to guide instruction and understanding.
Climate Project Standards Alignment
Research-backed strategies for differentiation, modification, and adaptation.
Community: Ask, Connect, Share
How has your community been impacted by climate change?
How can you inspire climate optimism in your students?
How is climate change a social studies problem?