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Direct Impacts of Climate Change

Teacher Resources

Driving Question: What are the direct impacts of climate change?

How is climate change affecting Earth’s natural systems? In this lesson you’ll learn about the direct impacts of climate change including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, wildfires, droughts, and flooding. Everyone will experience the effects of these direct impacts, but these impacts will affect some communities and ecosystems more than others.

  1. Identify and describe direct impacts of climate change including sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and global temperature increase.
  2. Using evidenced-based research, describe how the direct impacts of climate change are experienced in different parts of the world.
Direct Impacts Review


Direct Impacts Review

Start this lesson by thinking about what the direct impacts of climate change are and why they are important.

Does Half a Degree Really Matter?


Does Half a Degree Really Matter?

Climate scientists are urging the world to reduce emissions so that we can limit global average temperature increases to 1.5 degrees. But does half a degree really matter? Explore this infographic to find out!

Data Exploration: Direct Impacts of Climate Change


Data Exploration: Direct Impacts of Climate Change

This data exploration focuses on global sea-level rise—its connections to greenhouse gas emissions and the ways it threatens human communities all over the world.


Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change

How do we know that climate change is impacting our planet? This video explores some of the worst direct impacts of climate change and some dangerous tipping points humanity must avoid.

Key Ideas

As this video progresses, key ideas will be introduced to invoke discussion.
Direct Impacts of Climate Change


Direct Impacts of Climate Change

Choose three direct impacts of climate change, assess the evidence for these impacts, and make predictions about how these direct impacts will affect human and natural systems.

Claim Testing – The Impacts of Climate Change


Claim Testing – The Impacts of Climate Change

You’ve learned a lot about the direct impacts of climate change. Now it’s time to use your claim-testing skills and evidence from this lesson to evaluate some of the claims about these direct impacts.

Direct Impacts and You


Direct Impacts and You

Review what you’ve learned about the direct impacts of climate change and how they connect to you personally. In doing so, you’ll start thinking about how interconnected systems are impacted by climate change.