Featured Materials
Comparison – Life in 1750 and Today
Students imagine what their life would have been like in 1750, and will compare that to their lives today. The analysis will include attending to each of the course frames.
Comparison – Empires
Assess the similarities and differences of land-based empires in this comparison activity to learn how empires functioned and why some lasted centuries while others collapsed.
Comparison – Women’s Roles
Use your comparison skills to find the similarities and differences between women’s roles in the early modern era.
Comparison – Egypt and Japan
In this activity, students will examine the similarities and differences between how Egypt and Japan industrialized.
Comparison – Mexican and Russian Revolutions
In this activity, you’ll analyze the Mexican and Russian Revolutions to understand how these revolutions were similar and different.
Comparison – Decolonization Methods
Though some accounts leave them out of the story, women were integral to anti-colonial movements.
Teaching This Skill
Comparison in the Classroom
What does comparing and contrasting look like in the social studies classroom?
Comparison One-Pager
Compare and contrast is a fundamental historical thinking skill.
Comparison Activities Placement
Locate these activity progressions in all of our courses.
Comparison Tool
A thinking tool that helps students develop their understanding of comparison.
Comparison Feedback Form
Provide specific and detailed feedback to build historical comparison skills.