The Scientific Revolution
The timeline of the Scientific Revolution of the early modern period is marked by examples of thunderous innovation and technological advance. In this collection of resources you’ll meet the giants of the period, from Copernicus to Newton, and discover how their breakthroughs contributed to the Age of Enlightenment in Western Europe.
Featured Materials
The Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution does indeed include everything from Copernicus to Newton. But the story also extends beyond Europe and the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Debate: Has the Scientific Revolution Ended?
Debate: Has the Scientific Revolution Ended?
Do you think the Scientific Revolution is alive or dead? Pick a side, develop your argument, and debate your classmates in this activity.
Scientific Revolution and the Age of the Enlightenment
Scientific Revolution and the Age of the Enlightenment
The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment changed the way we think—not just about the natural world but about rights, government, and industry.
Was There Science Before the Scientific Revolution?
Was There Science Before the Scientific Revolution?
Surely there was science before the Scientific Revolution! Learn about scientific discoveries made prior to the seventeenth century from across Afro-Eurasia.