Featured Materials
The Emergence of Industrial Capitalism
The Industrial Revolution, like pretty much everything else in the Long Nineteenth Century, was closely tied to the rise of capitalism as a new economic system.
Capitalism and World War I
Optimistically nicknamed “The War to End All Wars,” the high price tag on World War I had a far-reaching economic impact on nations and colonies around the globe.
Slavery and Capitalism
Slaving and slavery existed alongside capitalism. But were they rival economic systems, or did they support each other?
Making Claims – Capitalism and Socialism
By now, you should be experts at making claims, but how will you do when you’re asked to make claims about economic systems? Let’s find out!
Smith, Marx, and Keynes
Economic Systems Simulation
Gain insight into two economic systems that will play a big role in this unit. More importantly, get some treats while you’re at it!
Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33
Industrial capitalism changed production and distribution on a global scale, and workers responded by fighting for their interests.
Class Structure
Social class was not new to this time period. However, industrialization led to a new social class structure that created extreme divisions between the rich and the poor.