The Global Tapestry c. 1200 to 1450 CE
The societies that dotted the world in the period from 1200 to 1450 CE shared many similarities, but they were also very different in important ways. How were these societies structured and how did they interact with one another? That’s what we’ll uncover in this unit.
Student Resources
Unit 1 Problem
How was the process of state formation similar and different in various regions of the world from c. 1200 to 1450 CE?
1.0 History Stories

MP4 / 6:23

MP4 / 18:46

MP4 / 14:39

1.1 Intro to AP Historical Thinking Skills and Reasoning Processes

1.2 Developments in Asia

MP4 / 9:24

MP4 / 12:27

MP4 / 12:00

1.3 State Building in the Americas

MP4 / 12:07

MP4 / 5:13

MP4 / 15:04

MP4 / 4:35
1.4 Africa and Europe

MP4 / 10:30