6.0 Unit 6 Overview
- 1 Video
- 2 Articles
- 8 Activities
- 2 Visual Aids
- 2 Vocab Activities
Unit Problem
What were the effects of imperialism, and how did communities try to manage or resist those effects from c. 1750 to 1900 CE?
Learning Objectives
- Make geographic predictions about regions you’ll encounter in this unit.
- Identify how industrialization led to imperialism and the expansion of empires.
- Learn about the difference between imperialism and colonialism.
- Analyze charts and interpret historical data.
Unit 6 Overview: Consequences of Industrialization
Industrialization had positive and negative consequences for different people. In industrialized nations, new forms of transportation, communication, and products made life easier for some. The wealthy and middle class saw their lives improved. These improvements often came at the expense of the working class. Industrialization motivated empires to find raw materials to fuel their factories. They used the tools provided by industrialization to seize control of resource-rich colonies abroad. This “new imperialism” saw industrialized nations establish colonial governments around the world, oppressing colonized people and extracting natural resources.
Unit 6 Overview: Consequences of Industrialization (10:10)
Key Ideas
This video gives you an overview of the content and themes you’ll explore in Unit 6. The evidence presented in the video will help you assess the effects of imperialism from c. 1750 to 1900. You’ll also evaluate this era by examining the consequences of industrialization using the themes of governance, economic systems, humans and the environment, social interactions and organization, and cultural developments and interactions.
Preview – Skimming for Gist
As a reminder, open and skim the transcript, and read the questions before you watch the video.
Key Ideas – Understanding Content
Think about the following questions as you watch this video.
- Why did demand for rubber increase in the nineteenth century and what region was one of the largest producers of rubber at this time?
- What was the new imperialism?
- How did industrialization provide the tools and motivation for the expansion of empires?
- How did the new imperialism change social interactions and organization?
- When and why did King Leopold seek control of the Congo Free State?
- How did reformers such as George Washington Williams and E.D. Morel publicize the atrocities that were taking place in King Leopold’s Congo Free State?
- How did King Leopold’s abusive reign over the Congo Free State come to an end?
Evaluating and Corroborating
- How was this era of new imperialism similar to and different from earlier eras of imperial expansion?
Unit 6 Introduction: Empire and Industrialization
By the end of the nineteenth century, a new type of empire was emerging. These new industrial empires were governed by revolutionary political ideas like nationalism and democracy, yet also by discriminatory racist ideas. This introductory article examines the system of imperialism—the ideas and practices that supported and justified the new empires. Then we move on to colonialism—the exploitative and often violent policies that empires use to control people in their colonies. But colonized peoples didn’t just accept imperialism or colonialism. They fought back, sometimes through active resistance, and sometimes in quieter ways.
This article provides an introduction to Unit 6, which explores another impact of industrialization: the creation of new industrial empires in the late nineteenth century. By introducing imperialism and colonialism as linked concepts, this article prepares you to identify and explain how the ideologies of the long nineteenth century helped support and justify the expansion of empires. This article also provides an overview of the strategies used by colonizers to control their subjects and introduces some of the many ways that colonized peoples responded, helping you to explain the economic, political, and social impacts of colonialism and resistance.
Read 1 – Skimming for Gist
Fill out the Skimming section of the Three Close Reads worksheet as you complete your first close read. As a reminder, this should be a quick process!
Read 2 – Understanding Content
For this reading, you should be looking for unfamiliar vocabulary words, the major claim and key supporting details, and analysis and evidence. By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- How are imperialism and colonialism different?
- What were some ways that ideas from the previous unit (the age of revolutions) helped drive imperial expansion?
- How did industrialization help empires expand?
- What were some strategies of resistance used by colonized people?
Read 3 – Evaluating and Corroborating
At the end of the third close read, respond to the following questions:
- Make two lists, one for colonized peoples and one for the citizens of countries like the United Kingdom and France, who controlled overseas empires. For each list, provide one impact of the new industrial imperialism on cultural interactions, governance, and economic systems.
- The author mentions that several of the revolutionary ideas you encountered in the last unit were used to support imperialism. How do you think liberal political ideas—like democracy or nationalism—could have been used as justification for controlling people in colonies?
Geography – Unit 6 Mapping Part 1
Empires are nothing new—they’ve been around in one form or another for thousands of years. Yet, in the long nineteenth century, new forms and methods of empire emerged. In this unit, you’ll explore the ideas behind the ideology of imperialism and the practices of colonialism (and learn how to tell the difference between the two terms!). From 1750 to 1914, the nature of empire transformed as the most powerful empires in the world industrialized. In this mapping exercise you will identify some of the most powerful states practicing this “new imperialism” and make some predictions about how things will change by the end of the long nineteenth century.
You’ll begin this activity by identifying several empires in the world of 1871 CE. You will locate these communities on a blank map and then make some guesses and predictions about how they will change by the end of the long nineteenth century.
Step 1
Remember, this activity is intended to introduce you to geography in this unit. You aren’t expected to have all the answers.
With your teacher, brainstorm some of the ways that the Industrial Revolution changed empires in the long nineteenth century. What empires benefited the most? Which communities suffered the most? What advantages did the new industrial empires have over their adversaries?
Step 2
In small groups, select three empires from this list on the worksheet. You should then label and shade (in different colors) the territory of each of the three empires on the 1871 Blank Map.
Step 3
Examine the 1871 Blank Map that you just labelled. Select two of the three empires you identified and make a prediction, on your 1871 Blank Map, about how those empires will change between 1871 and 1914.
Vocab Tracking
This repeated activity should help you become familiar with a process for understanding unfamiliar words any time you encounter them in the course.
Take out your vocab tracker and be sure to record new and unfamiliar words on it according to your teacher’s instructions.
Vocab – Word Wall
Understanding vocabulary helps you access course content and become a better reader, a better writer, and a better communicator. This word wall activity will help you begin to learn some of the key vocabulary from the unit.
In this activity, you’ll work with your class to create a word wall using the Unit 6 vocabulary. Your teacher will assign a vocab card to each of you. Once you get yours, take a few minutes to look it up in the Vocab Guide and then examine the unit itself (click around and quickly skim the content) to see where in the unit your word might be most applicable. Then, add as many antonyms to your card for your word as possible. Your teacher will give you a limited amount of time to write antonyms. Then, the people with the most correct antonyms at the end of the time will put their words on the word wall first.
Your teacher may add some fun twists to this assignment, so be sure to listen closely for directions!
Project X – Make a Prediction Part 2
Access to the Our World in Data website: https://ourworldindata.org/
Post-it Notes (four colors)
In the first Making a Prediction activity, you learned about chart shapes and practiced making and evaluating predictions using a single chart. However, a single piece of evidence is rarely enough to come to an informed conclusion about a topic. This activity will help you learn to make informed predictions using multiple sources of evidence. You will use this skill not only in your final presentation, but also in your life as you navigate decision-making with an ever increasing number of resources at your fingertips.
This activity begins with analyzing a chart with your class. You will then make a prediction about the future of population growth in China, revising your prediction as you are introduced to additional charts. In the final part of this activity, you will repeat this process with a different country.
Step 1
Take a look at the social media platforms chart, (on pg. S-3). Describe what the chart shows and what it tells you about how social media has changed in the last five years. Then, make and share predictions about what social media will look like five years in the future. Be sure to provide evidence from the chart as well as from your own experience with and knowledge of social media. Remember to include the components of a prediction, which you learned in Part 1 of this activity. A prediction includes a reference to a specific year or time frame, a description of the rate and direction of change, the catalyst (or reason for the change), and the end point for the prediction—either an actual number or a percentage.
Step 2
Now it’s time for you to predict whether population in China will go up, go down, or stay the same in the future. Your teacher will mark a scale on the board from 0 to 5 billion people at half-billion increments and organize you in small groups. You will receive four sticky notes, each of a different color. You should use a different color sticky note for your group’s prediction on each chart. Write your names (or a group name) on your four sticky notes.
Take a look at the chart on Chart A (population growth in China), in the Making a Prediction Part 2: Examining China Through Charts handout. Work with your group to complete the table starting on pg. S-4. Use the information to make a prediction how China’s population will change 100 years in the future based on Chart A and any previous knowledge you may have. Show your prediction to the class by placing your next sticky note on the scale from 0 to 5 billion. Be ready to share your prediction.
Now, look at the chart on Chart B (daily supply of calories in China). Work with your group to complete the table. Repeat this same activity with your group based on the new information you have gathered from Chart B. Do this by simply adding your next sticky note to the board. Maybe your prediction will change or maybe not! Be prepared to explain your prediction to the class.
Repeat this same activity two more times using the charts on Chart C (birth rates) and Chart D (extreme poverty), revising your prediction and adding two more sticky notes to the board as you receive new information.
Great! Now let’s put all this information together to finalize your prediction about the future population of China. Write your prediction for the future population of China. Make sure that your prediction includes a time frame (years/date), reasons for the change, an actual population number, and references to the different charts.
Step 3
Next, your teacher will assign your group a country, or have you choose your own. Your teacher might hand out printouts of the same four charts above for your new country, or have you open the interactive charts on computers. If you are viewing the charts on the computer, you will need to click “Add country” on the chart and replace China with your country. You can find links here:
Chart A: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/population?country=~CHN
Chart B: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/food-supply-kcal?tab=chart&country=~CHN
Chart C: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/children-per-woman-un?tab=chart&time=1950..2015&country=~CHN
Chart D: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-of-the-population-living-in-extreme-poverty?tab=chart&country=~CHN
Repeat the same process you used for China with your new country. Look at the same four charts for your new country, making a prediction for what that country’s population will be in 100 years. Do you think the population will go up, down, or stay the same? Adjust your predictions as you come across new evidence. Record the evidence on your worksheet.
Be ready to share and explain your predictions with the class!
Amazing! Now let’s put all this information together to finalize your prediction about the future population of your new country. Write your prediction for the future population of your new country. Make sure that your prediction includes a time frame (years/date), a description of the trend, reasons for the change, an actual population number, and references to the different charts.
Themes Notebook
The World History Project AP (WHP AP) curriculum asks you to visit and revisit the AP themes throughout the course. The aim of the Themes Notebook is to keep you connected to the core themes of each unit. In Part 1 of the Themes Notebook, which you’ll complete early in each unit, you will evaluate each of the statements on the worksheet based on what you currently know. In Part 2, which comes later in each unit, the statements appear as questions. You will respond to these questions as you revise and refine your initial understanding of the unit’s themes. In both parts of this activity, you should focus on concepts rather than formal writing. The primary purpose of the Themes Notebook is to help you assess how your thinking is progressing, where you’re gaining mastery, and where you might need additional instruction.
Although it might seem that you haven’t learned enough yet to respond to the prompts, that’s OK! This activity is meant to help you think about what you might already know about the ideas and concepts of the unit. You’ll revisit the prompts at the end of the unit (although this time they’ll appear as questions), and you’ll get to see how much you’ve learned! This activity will also give you a preview of what’s to come, as you’re learning which themes you should pay attention to as you learn new content.
Note: Since you’ll be revisiting this worksheet at the end of the unit, be sure you hold onto it! If your teacher offers to collect your class’s worksheets, that’s probably your best bet.
Use the Themes Notebook worksheet to respond to the Part 1 prompts as best as you can. Be prepared to talk about these ideas with your class.
Data Exploration: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Open these four charts in your internet browser:
- Chart 1 – Average Temperature Anomaly, Global: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/temperature-anomaly
- Chart 2 – Annual Total CO2 Emissions by World Region: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-co-emissions-by-region
- Chart 3 – Annual CO2 Emissions, 2017: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-co2-emissions-per-country
- Chart 4 – Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scenarios: https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2018/04/Greenhouse-gas-emission-scenarios-01.png
The average temperature of the planet is rising, and it’s rising because humans are emitting more greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution, the global temperature has risen by about 1 degree Celsius. This might not seem like much, but climate scientists warn that an increase of 2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels could be catastrophic. Every region of the world produces more greenhouse gases today than 100 years ago, but some regions produce far more than others. These trends could improve or get worse, but that depends on what actions humans take now and in the future.
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the data? In this data exploration, you’re going to start really thinking about the future. Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing our species. Chart 4 in this exploration provides an example of how to use data to make claims about the future. This chart provides five possible futures of GHG emissions, depending on the actions taken by humans. Which outcome do you think is most likely? This data exploration will help prepare you for your final presentation, in which you will make your own claims about the future using data.
Your teacher will let you know if there is an overall question to hold in your mind as complete your three reads of the article.
Preview – What Do We Have?
Fill out the Skimming section of the Three Close Reads for Data worksheet as you complete your first close read. Remember— this should be a quick process!
Key Ideas – What Do We Know?
For this read, your goal is to understand the “story” the chart is telling by identifying its arguments and evaluating its presentation of data. You will decide what claim or claims this chart is making and what evidence is being used to support those claims. Do you think the data is reliable? Is the chart misleading in any way? By the end of this read, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- According to Charts 1 and 2, when did the global average temperature start to rise most dramatically, and what caused it?
- Looking at Chart 2, who are the biggest producers of CO2 emissions?
- According to Chart 2, who produced most of the world’s CO2 emissions before 1900?
- According to Chart 3, what countries produced the most CO2 emissions during the First and Second World Wars? Are there any major countries that you think produced a lot of emissions but are not represented accurately on this map?
- Looking at the five possible future scenarios on Chart 4, which do you think is the most likely?
- Considering the information on Chart 1 and 4, if all countries act immediately and aggressively to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions, will the global average temperature decrease by 2100?
Making Connections – What Does This Tell Us?
The third read is really about why the chart is important, what it can tell us about the past, and how it can help us think about the future. At the end of this read, respond to the following questions:
- Why does this chart matter? What do these charts about average temperature and emissions tell us about the history of human production and distribution? Can data help us change the future?
- Using these charts, make one prediction about how global average temperature or greenhouse gas emissions will change in your lifetime. What evidence from the charts supports your prediction? What evidence challenges it?