Race and Coerced Labor Part I: How Did People Become Property in the Americas?

By Audra Diptee
Slavery in the Americas is the subject of multiple historical narratives. In the first of two articles on this inhumane practice, we take time to absorb the disturbing fact that it was ever legal to “own” a person.

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Drawing of two white men capturing enslaved African men. The white men are holding canes or sticks in the air, presumably to beat the enslaved people. In the background is a large sailing ship.


Between the 1500s and the 1800s, slavery became widespread in the Americas. More than 12 million men, women, and children were kidnapped from Africa and forced to work. They were sold in North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean. However, many of them did not survive the long sea voyage. As time went on, millions of people were born into slavery in the Americas.

Enslaved people had different experiences. But overall, slavery in the Americas shared three characteristics. First, enslaved people of African descent were considered property. Second, slavery was organized by race. Lastly, slavery was driven by economics; however, it was justified using religion and science.

Defining Characteristic 1:

Enslaved people of African descent were considered property.

Enslaved people of African descent were human beings. However, they were considered property throughout the Americas. In other words, they were owned by other people. They could be bought and sold like farm animals. They were not paid and had no say about their work or lives. If they resisted or were disobedient, they faced severe physical abuse. Punishments included whipping and other forms of torture.

Enslaved labor differed from other labor for two other reasons. First, slavery was inherited. When an enslaved woman had a baby, that baby became the “property” of the mother’s “owner.” This meant enslaved children could be sold and separated from their families. Second, being enslaved was a lifetime sentence. Most enslaved people remained enslaved for their entire lives.

Many enslaved people tried to gain their freedom. Some negotiated with their owners. They pursued ways to earn or buy their freedom. Buying their freedom was a rare achievement since they had little or no money. Others resisted by trying to escape. This choice required incredible courage. They risked their lives to run away, and faced severe punishment if caught.

Advertisements were sometimes placed to catch enslaved people attempting to escape. See the one below. What does it tell us about the risks they took to gain their freedom?

Advertisement announcing the escape of an enslaved person in Jamaica (1780)
Kingston Run away, a Negro boy, named YORK. He has a scar upon his face, close by his left ear. He is marked upon his right shoulder W S. He is a good looking boy, and speaks good English. He is about 5 ft. 5 in. high. He may attempt to pass for free and get on board some vessel.... Any person that can give information where he is to be found, shall receive a reward of one gold coin....

Defining Characteristic 2:

Slavery was organized by race.

During the time of slavery, societies in the Americas were organized around inequality. Some people had more rights and privileges than others. This inequality was considered acceptable.

WHPOrigins 6112 Article Race and Coerced Labor I How Did People Become Property in the Americas 2

Slavery and racial hierarchy in the Americas

Wealthy people of European descent lived at the top of society. They enjoyed all the rights related to freedom. In contrast, enslaved people of African descent lived at the bottom of society. They had no rights or privileges. There was also a middle group. These were people of African descent who had been granted their freedom or were born free. Free people of African descent could make important decisions about their lives. However, they did not have the same rights as people of European background.

Certain laws controlled the lives of enslaved and free people of African descent. For example, France published the Code Noir (Black Code) in 1685. Read these excerpts below. Then reflect on ways the French defined who was legally enslaved.

Excerpts from the Code Noir (1685)
Article XII. Children born from marriages between slaves shall be slaves. If the husband and wife have different masters, the children shall belong to the masters of the female slave. They shall not belong to the master of her husband.
Article XIII. If a male slave has married a free woman, their children shall be free as is their mother. And if the father is free and the mother a slave, the children shall also be slaves…
Article XIX. We forbid slaves from selling any type of commodities, even fruit, vegetables, firewood, and animals. Any found doing so must have a letter of permission from their masters.


How was this system of slavery justified? After all, it was common among nations that claimed to support freedom and liberty. Their justification relates to the third defining characteristic of enslavement: Slavery was driven by economics; however, it was justified using religion and science.


Enslaved transported to the Americas (www.slavevoyages.org)

Enslaved transported to the United States (www.slavevoyages.org)

Enslaved transported to the British Caribbean (www.slavevoyages.org)

Number of enslaved emancipated in the British Caribbean in 1838 (Barry Higman, A Concise History of the Caribbean, [Cambridge, 2011]), p. 159

Jamaica Mercury: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00021144/00001 (University of Florida, Digital Collections)

Code Noir: https://revolution.chnm.org/items/show/515 (Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University)

Audra A. Diptee

Audra A. Diptee is an Associate Professor of History at Carleton University and the Managing Director of the non-profit organization the History Watch Project. Her research and teaching focuses on a variety of themes related to the Caribbean and Africa.

Image credits

Creative Commons This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 except for the following:

Cover: The Landing of Negroes’, 1826. Slaves who have survived the dreadful voyage from Africa being unloaded from slave ship at their destination. From The Black Man’s Lament; or How to Make Sugar by Amelia Opie. (London, 1826). © Art Media/Print Collector/Getty Images


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