Unit 5: Regional Webs
200 to 1500 CE
Teacher Resources
How do human systems restructure themselves after catastrophe?
The fall of Rome and the Han Dynasty sent shockwaves through the ancient world. Were these collapses followed by a dark age, or did a period of restructuring lead to a new era of prosperity and innovation?
A Dark Age?
Did the fall of Rome and the Han Dynasty usher in a “Dark Age”? You’ll examine evidence from Europe, East Asia, and beyond as you evaluate whether the period from c. 476 to 1500 CE should be called the “Dark Ages” or something else entirely.

Lesson 5.2
Why Do Societies Collapse?
What are the most important factors leading to the collapse of empires?

Lesson 5.3
Assessing the Dark Age: Europe and China
How did societies cope with collapse?

Lesson 5.4
Medieval Women
How did the experiences of women in medieval Europe and Song China differ?
Systems Restructure
All empires fall. Still, these “collapses” often involve the rise of new structures. In these lessons, you’ll learn about how humans have restructured their communities and networks after the collapse of big empires.

Lesson 5.5
The Islamic World
Why did the Islamic world experience a golden age in this period?

Lesson 5.6
The Silk Road
How have the trade routes known as the Silk Roads expanded and contracted over time?

Lesson 5.7
Unit 5 Writing Wrap Up
How do human systems restructure themselves after catastrophes?